Archive | September, 2018

Do you want me to read you a story…About you?

14 Sep


I have a variety of Journals that I have used over the years to capture my thoughts in. This one is my favorite.

When my kids were very young, to capture a moment in a photo…you had to actually go grab your camera, which was usually not in the place where the moment was happening. So I started writing them down…. cute/funny stories that I wanted to remember. This is the journal filled with those random stories.

I found it the other day and started reading, remembering, and re-living those great moments.  Such great stuff and my mind wandered to wondering which of my kids would find this book someday as they sorted through my things (hopefully 20-30 years from now). And when they did find it…would they read it, share it with their siblings, and enjoy it as much as I was.

So, I decided not to wait to find out. I took a photo of every page and now plan to text a story to them once in a while and re-live those moments together.

It’s been fun.  I am sure it’s interesting to hear stories about what they were like at the same age their own children are now. And how similar their own personalities were as children to their own children’s personalities. I see it….but now I have written proof.

It has worked for me…